
Flowgraph Plugin System

Quick Links:
How to Use Plugins
Where To Find Plugins

Known Plugins:
Gears of Crysis

How to Use Plugins

To use any Plugin you will need to have installed the Flowgraph Plugin System into your Crysis mod. Extract the Plugin Dlls into your FGPlugins' bin32 and bin64 folders, according to the Dll version. Note that the Plugin's installer will correctly copy the Plugin Dll files to the right folders. Once copied, just launch your mod in the Sandbox Editor and the included nodes will appear in the Flowgraph Editor.

Where To Find Plugins

The following websites host several Flowgraph Plugins:

EntityScreen Plugin

>> Download

This Plugin adds three (3) custom Flowgraph Nodes that will allow you to work with the screen position of an entity. An entity's screen position is defined as the coordinate on the screen where the entity is currently visible, where screen coordinate (0,0) corresponds to the top-left corner of the screen.

Included Nodes:

Gears of Crysis Plugin

>> Download

This Plugin adds a custom Flowgraph Nodes that will let you easily turn on and configure the Gears of Crysis feature.

Included Nodes:

Iterators #1 Plugin

>> Download

This Plugin adds four (4) custom Flowgraph Nodes that allow you to iterate through a dynamic list of entities generated at runtime given some search criteria. Each of the entites found are outputted through the same line, allowing you to execute the same set of Flowgraph logic on each returned entity.

Included Nodes:

LookAt Plugin

>> Download

This Plugin adds a custom Flowgraph Node that allows you to orient an entity to look at another one. This node supports interpolation and constant updating.

Included Nodes:

Math #1 Plugin

>> Download

This Plugin adds seven (7) custom Flowgraph Nodes that add more mathematical operations you can execute from the Flowgraph.

Included Nodes:

Signaler Plugin

>> Download

This Plugin adds two (2) custom Flowgraph Nodes that allow you to transmit signals and data through the fabrics of space and time in your Flowgraphs. One node acts as a sending port, letting you specify the name of the signal and which data should accompany it. The other acts as a receiving point, listening for a specific signal and responding when one is picked up, extracting the data that was passed along with it.

Included Nodes:

SpawnEntity Plugin

>> Download

This Plugin adds two (2) custom Flowgraph Nodes that will allow you to spawn an entity or an archetype entity dynamically from the Flowgraph. You can also give the new entity a unique name and define its initial starting position and orientation.

Included Nodes:

StringCombine Plugin

>> Download

This Plugin adds a simple node that can be used to combine two strings. It works with a similar interface to that of the Math nodes.

Included Nodes:

Xml Plugin

>> Download

This Plugin adds multiple custom nodes that allow you to read from and write to an Xml file via Flowgraph.

Included Nodes:

Flash Plugin

>> Download

This Plugin adds a custom Flowgraph Node that will allow you to load a Flash movie, invoke Flash methods and set certain Flash variables.

Included Nodes:

Mouse Plugin

>> Download

This Plugin adds a custom Flowgraph Node that will allow you to receive certain mouse informations like X / Y cursor position and the EntityID of the entity which is currently under your mouse cursor.

Included Nodes:

Joystick Plugin

>> Download

This Plugin adds a custom Flowgraph Node that will allow you to receive certain Joystick informations like the X,Y,Z joystick axis positions.

Included Nodes:

Multiplayer Plugin

>> Download

This Plugin adds custom Flowgraph Nodes that will allow you to receive or set certain server informations and send data from the server to the connected clients.

Included Nodes:

Generated on Tue May 12 16:08:15 2009 for FlowGraph Plugin System for Crysis-Wars by  doxygen 1.5.9