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Redistributing with your Mod
The Problem: The modding community has already taken on the initiative to provide more tools for everyone to use. This is evident in the Big Flowgraph Node Request Topic. The problem is, getting these newer tools to the community has proven to be quite a pain. With forum members such as Jameszhao00 and ins taking on roles to help aid the community in utilizing these new tools, progress has been made. But still the pain relies on getting everyone all of the custom flowgraph nodes (said tools) so they can use them in their own custom maps and mods. Currently, a custom Mod Dll must be built that contains all these new nodes, and this mod must be distributed to each community member who wishes to use the new nodes. Adding on new nodes or making changes to existing nodes would mean everyone would have to get the new custom Mod Dll again. What a pain!
The Solution: The Flowgraph Plugin System aims to relieve this pain by separating the new custom flowgraph nodes being developed by the community into separate, individual files. Effectively, instead of trying to merge all these different flowgraph nodes into one single Mod Dll, they have now been separated into their own, lightweight Dll file, known as a plugin. These plugins are then detected and loaded by the system automatically, merging its contents of flowgraph nodes into the main system.
From an end user's point-of-view, you only have to copy and paste the Dlls containing the flowgraph nodes you want into a special folder, and launch the game or Sandbox editor. Like magic, all of the flowgraph nodes appear in the Flowgraph editor. You can mix and match as many plugins as you want to control the amount of modding power you wish to have at your disposal.
April 16, 2009 - Update to Version
May 6, 2009 - Update to Version
Name: James-Ryan
Email: neo-ryan@web.de